The topic of fair internet is currently more and more present, but the idea for APOOS was born in 2004.
With a login and all possibilities, the concept for APOOS was created in 2004. In addition to all the options on one side, even then the focus was on the utility for the members.
A platform that users can trust. The topic of data protection was also regarded as the standard. It is a matter of course for a Hanseatic merchant to protect the data of his customers and not to pass them on to third parties.
In 2008, a German web agency was finally commissioned to implement APOOS. The originally planned development period was quickly exceeded. However, within two years the agency was not able to create the project.
In 2011 a development team in India was commissioned. A period of six years and two attempts were necessary to determine that the implementation skills were insufficient.
After these two self-financed development attempts, one is currently working on external financing with the help of sponsors.
The topic of fair internet is being discussed more and more current and more.