Criticism of the Internet

Before you deal with fair internet, you should consider the question of what is currently going wrong on the internet.





– In 2018, every person over the age of 0 generated a calculated average turnover of around USD 25 on Facebook & the Google parent company Alphabet. (worldwide & also without internet connection)

– Alphabet ranks as the richest company in 2019 with $ 117 billion in cash reserves.

– Alphabet: Revenue grew 18% to $ 161.9 billion in 2019 compared to $ 136.82 billion in 2018,
Profit in 2019 $ 34.3 billion

– Facebook: Revenues rose in 2019 by 26.62% to USD 70,697.00 million, in 2018 it was USD 55,838.00 million

– A study for 2018 recorded 100,000 teenagers addicted to social media in Germany alone.

– A study of 100 German companies has shown that they use the Google advertising program, although a free search entry already exists for the desired search term. Annual costs for these measures around EUR 45 million per year.


– Search results are influenced by online platforms.

– Social media can be addicting.

More than 90% of all search queries are made through Google.

More than 50% of all search queries are answered on Google. (So ​​you no longer land on another website!)

– Former employees of Google & Facebook warn of addiction factors.

– It has long been speculated which bankruptcies in recent years could be the responsibility of Google or its parent company Alphabet.

– For big brands, the organic (natural) reach on Facebook should be zero. That means, if you want to reach your own fans, you have to pay for it. (Advertising programs are not freely available to everyone!) For online platforms like YouTube, this could also be a mechanism to control the income of influencers.

– Election manipulation via social networks cannot be ruled out.

– Algorithms are incomprehensible.

– People work for companies through micro-work, sometimes for a few cents a day.

– According to research by the SWR, only the energy requirement for the Internet in Germany alone corresponds to around 55 terawatt hours per year, which corresponds to around ten medium-sized power plants. Addiction factors prolong these times unnecessarily.

In the Press

To clarify the criticism of the Internet, we have put together a few articles below, the source of which is listed below:

Children and Adolescents on the Internet


The internet has dramatically transformed the lives of children and adolescents. From an early age, young individuals are actively engaging online, using digital technologies for education, social interaction, and entertainment. While the internet undoubtedly offers numerous opportunities and resources for young users, it also presents a range of potential dangers and challenges. This chapter aims to explore the risks and rewards that the internet brings for children and adolescents, providing insights into the following topics:

Online Safety and Privacy for Children and Adolescents

The issue of online safety and privacy for children and adolescents is of paramount importance, as young internet users often lack the necessary experience and knowledge to protect themselves from the dangers of the internet. This chapter delves into the significance of online safety for young individuals and offers practical tips for parents and guardians to support their children in safely navigating the online world.

Significance of Online Safety for Young Internet Users

In today’s digital landscape, young people spend a significant portion of their time on the internet, whether it be for educational research, social interaction, or entertainment. However, in this digital environment, they are exposed to various risks such as cyberbullying, sexual harassment, excessive screen time, and inappropriate content. The significance of online safety for young internet users lies in ensuring a positive and secure online experience, as well as protecting their privacy and well-being.

By promoting online safety, young individuals can be empowered to actively and confidently participate in the online world without unnecessary risks. They should be able to recognize potential dangers, protect their personal information, and know how to seek help when encountering problematic situations. Thus, educating about online safety is crucial to impart the necessary skills and awareness to young individuals, enabling them to navigate the internet safely.

Practical Tips for Parents and Guardians

Parents and guardians play a crucial role in ensuring their children’s safety on the internet. It is their responsibility to create a supportive environment and ensure that their children develop the necessary skills and awareness of online safety. Here are some practical tips for parents and guardians to promote their children’s online safety:

The online safety of children and adolescents requires ongoing attention and guidance from parents and guardians. With these efforts in place, young individuals can utilize the internet safely and responsibly, thereby fully leveraging the numerous educational and social benefits it offers.

Excessive Screen Time and Its Effects on Mental and Physical Health

Current Research Findings and Insights on Excessive Screen Time

In recent years, research has increasingly highlighted the potentially harmful effects of excessive screen time on health. Numerous studies have demonstrated that excessive use of screen devices, such as smartphones, tablets, computers, and televisions, is associated with a variety of health issues. These include sleep disturbances, eye problems, postural issues, weight gain, and an increase in stress-related symptoms. Moreover, there is growing evidence that excessive screen time can lead to a deterioration in mental health, such as increased anxiety, depressive symptoms, and impaired social behavior.

An important realization is that these effects can be more pronounced in children and adolescents, as their brains are still developing and are more susceptible to negative influences. The duration and nature of screen time, as well as the content they are exposed to, are critical factors determining the long-term effects.

Strategies to Promote a Balanced Online Behavior Among Adolescents

To minimize the negative effects of excessive screen time on mental and physical health, it is essential to support adolescents in developing a balanced online behavior. Here are some effective strategies that parents, guardians, and educational professionals can implement:

By implementing these strategies, adolescents can learn to strike a healthy balance between online and offline activities, fostering a long-term, balanced, and healthy relationship with the digital world.

Cyberbullying and Digital Harassment Among Adolescents

Causes and Consequences of Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying has become a significant concern with the increasing use of digital media and social platforms among adolescents. The causes of cyberbullying are diverse, ranging from social dynamics to personal insecurities. Often, cyberbullying incidents are a result of:

The consequences of cyberbullying can be severe and manifest in various aspects of the victims‘ lives. The most common consequences include:

Understanding the causes and consequences of cyberbullying is essential to develop effective prevention and intervention strategies and protect adolescents from the harmful effects of cyberbullying.

Preventive Measures and Solutions to Combat Cyberbullying

Combating cyberbullying requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach involving schools, parents, social institutions, and the online community. Here are some preventive measures and solutions that can help combat cyberbullying:

Effectively combating cyberbullying requires a coordinated effort at various levels to ensure a safe and positive online environment for adolescents and protect them from the harmful effects of bullying in the digital space.

Influence of Social Media on Self-Esteem and Mental Health of Young People

Impacts of Social Media on Self-Image and Mental Health

In today’s digital era, social media has a profound influence on the self-image and mental health of young individuals. The constant presence of perfectly curated images, stylized lifestyles, and seemingly unattainable beauty standards can significantly affect self-worth. The increasing tendency to compare oneself based on digital facades can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction, especially among adolescents who are in a sensitive phase of identity formation.

Research indicates that excessive use of social media is associated with an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and lower self-esteem. Particularly, the relentless pursuit of validation and likes on social media can become a detrimental pattern that affects mental well-being. Cyberbullying and online hostility are additional negative impacts that can lead to severe psychological distress.

It is crucial for parents, educators, and guardians to be aware of these challenges and to support adolescents in developing a healthy sense of self. Promoting a critical awareness of the portrayal of content on social media and emphasizing authentic values beyond digital validation are crucial steps in protecting the self-esteem and mental health of young individuals.

Recommendations for a Healthy Approach to Social Media

To minimize the negative impacts of social media on self-esteem and mental health, adopting a conscious and healthy approach to these platforms is essential. Here are some recommendations that can help young people cultivate a balanced relationship with social media:

a) Set time limits: Limit daily screen time on social media to avoid excessive exposure. b) Foster authentic connections: Encourage adolescents to maintain personal interactions and build genuine relationships outside the digital realm. c) Develop critical awareness: Encourage adolescents to critically engage with the content on social media and question the portrayal of images and lifestyles. d) Take digital breaks: Create conscious pauses from social media to promote a healthy balance between online and offline life. e) Promote self-acceptance and self-care: Emphasize the importance of self-acceptance and self-care independent of external validation or comparisons on social media.

By encouraging young individuals to consciously manage their use of social media and develop a healthy self-image, they can learn to leverage the positive aspects of social media while minimizing the negative impacts. This contributes to the healthy mental and emotional development of young people in an increasingly digitized world.

Retail and Small Business


Retail and small businesses find themselves in an era of rapid transformation, shaped by advances in the digital age and the burgeoning dominance of the internet. The increasing prevalence of e-commerce and major online platforms has presented unprecedented challenges to traditional retail and local enterprises. The digital shift has impacted the way businesses market, sell, and engage with their customers.

This introduction to the section on retail and small businesses aims to provide an overview of current developments and challenges faced by businesses in the internet age. It emphasizes the need to deepen understanding of shifts in consumer behavior and the impact of digital transformation on business models.

While e-commerce platforms offer a host of advantages and opportunities, they also pose a serious threat to traditional brick-and-mortar retail and local enterprises. The introduction will also highlight the importance of fairness and competition regulation in online commerce, particularly in the face of growing monopolization tendencies among major internet corporations.

Moreover, the introduction will underscore the increasing importance of a balanced integration of online and offline strategies for retailers and small businesses, in order to meet the demands of an ever-evolving digital landscape. It will encourage readers to critically examine the challenges and opportunities associated with the internet for retail and small businesses and seek solutions to ensure a sustainable and competitive presence in today’s digital economy.

Impact of E-Commerce on Traditional Retail and Local Businesses

The rise of e-commerce has had a profound impact on traditional retail and local businesses worldwide. In the digital era, where online shopping and virtual marketplaces are becoming increasingly popular, traditional retailers face a plethora of challenges that threaten their existence and profitability. The impact of e-commerce spans various dimensions, from customer retention to cost efficiency and market competitiveness.

Challenges for Traditional Retail in the Digital Era

Conventional retail structures face a number of challenges amplified by the burgeoning e-commerce sector. One of the central challenges is the increasing shift of consumer purchasing behavior to the online realm, leading to a decline in foot traffic at physical stores. This has direct implications on revenue and profitability as many consumers appreciate the convenience and ease of online shopping, turning away from traditional shopping methods.

Moreover, retailers are challenged to compete with the competitive pricing and wide product offerings of major e-commerce platforms. The ability of large online retailers to offer products at lower prices and a broader selection has led many consumers to opt for these options instead of visiting local stores. The competition from global e-commerce giants has prompted local businesses to rethink their offerings and marketing strategies to remain competitive.

Opportunities for Integration of E-Commerce Solutions for Local Businesses

Despite the challenges, e-commerce also presents opportunities for local businesses to expand their reach and increase their sales. By integrating e-commerce solutions, traditional retailers can extend their local business and potentially reach a wider customer base. For instance, local businesses can differentiate themselves from the competition by creating user-friendly and attractive online stores and implementing effective digital marketing strategies.

Furthermore, local retailers can leverage their strengths by offering personalized customer service and customized products that stand out from standardized mass-produced goods. A combination of high-quality products, a unique shopping experience, and an effective online presence can help attract more loyal customers and increase competitiveness against large e-commerce platforms.

However, integrating e-commerce solutions requires careful planning and adaptation of business models to meet digital requirements. Local businesses need to invest in technology to ensure smooth online transactions and efficient logistics. Simultaneously, a comprehensive online marketing strategy is essential to enhance the visibility and reach of their products and services in the highly competitive e-commerce market. Through effective utilization of e-commerce solutions, local businesses can tap into new opportunities and position themselves successfully in the digital era.

Distortion of Competition and Fairness Issues in Online Commerce

Challenges related to Fairness and Competition Regulation in Online Commerce

In the realm of online commerce, fairness and competition regulation have become central concerns, particularly in light of the growing dominance of major e-commerce platforms. The challenges in this domain range from unfair practices and strategies that disadvantage smaller businesses to regulatory gaps that allow large corporations to monopolize the market. Often, due to their resources and reach, larger corporations have an unfair advantage over smaller enterprises, leading to a distortion of competition and jeopardizing diversity in online commerce.

The lack of transparency in data handling and algorithms, as well as unequal resources for marketing and advertising, present significant disadvantages for small and medium enterprises. This not only results in an inequality of competition but also impairs the ability of smaller businesses to survive in an increasingly digitized commerce environment.

Suggestions for Promoting a Fair and Balanced Online Commerce Environment

To promote fairness and a balanced competitive landscape in online commerce, careful regulation and monitoring of market participants are crucial. One possible measure could be the implementation of stricter competition rules and policies to prevent monopolization and unfair competitive practices. This could enable the creation of a level playing field where companies, regardless of size, have equal opportunities to offer their products and services.

Additionally, increased transparency in the use of algorithms and data handling may be necessary to ensure that smaller businesses are not disadvantaged due to opaque practices. Promoting training and resources for small and medium enterprises to strengthen their online presence and market more effectively can also help revitalize competition and foster diversity in online commerce.

Lastly, close collaboration between regulatory authorities, industry experts, and business representatives is crucial to develop effective solutions that consider the interests of both major corporations and smaller market participants. By establishing a comprehensive framework aimed at fairness and equality in competition, we can promote a healthy and thriving online commerce market that is beneficial for all stakeholders.

Creation of the New Fair All-in-one Social Media, Marketing, and Sales Platform APOOS

In a time where the digital landscape is shaped by the dominance aspirations of large internet corporations, the creation of a new fair all-in-one social media, marketing, and sales platform called APOOS has the potential to mitigate existing problems and open up new opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses. APOOS represents a paradigm shift in the online business world by creating a platform that enables fair market access for businesses of all sizes and creates unrestricted reach. This chapter takes a closer look at the various aspects of APOOS and how it could counter the current challenges in online commerce.

The Role of APOOS for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

APOOS would serve as a comprehensive platform that allows small and medium-sized businesses to operate in a fair and open competitive environment. By integrating a versatile social media platform, marketing tools, and an effective sales environment, APOOS could enable businesses of any size to achieve greater visibility and reach. By removing restrictions and barriers that typically hinder access to broader markets, APOOS would offer small businesses the opportunity to grow and strengthen their presence in online commerce.

Opportunities for Small Businesses to Become Major Players in Online Commerce

The creation of APOOS opens up opportunities for small businesses to grow into competitive market participants without being hindered by the excessive dominance of large online platforms. By providing an effective and accessible platform for social media, marketing, and sales, APOOS provides an opportunity for small businesses to position themselves on an equal footing with larger players. This aspect of the chapter highlights the possibilities that APOOS could create to promote a more balanced online commerce landscape and strengthen diversity and innovation in the e-commerce sector.

Promoting a Fair Online Commerce Environment through APOOS

A central aspect of APOOS lies in creating a fair online commerce environment that offers equal opportunities for businesses of all sizes. By reducing market access barriers and creating an open and transparent platform, APOOS could help reduce market distortions and inequalities in online commerce. This chapter discusses the potential impact of such a platform in promoting fairness and equal opportunities in the digital commerce environment.

APOOS offers a promising vision for creating a more equitable and balanced online business world based on equality, transparency, and openness. By integrating social media, marketing, and sales on one platform, APOOS could pave the way for a novel, inclusive online commerce environment where small and medium-sized businesses have the opportunity to unleash and flourish to their full potential.

Challenges for Brick-and-Mortar Retail in the Face of the Growing Online Market

In recent years, the expanding influence of the online market has posed significant challenges for traditional brick-and-mortar retail. Faced with the convenience of online shopping and the plethora of options available at the click of a button, brick-and-mortar retail has encountered various challenges that demand a comprehensive reassessment of its business model.

One of the major hurdles for brick-and-mortar retail is the competition from online retailers, who often offer a wider product selection and more attractive pricing. Escalating operational costs, including rent and personnel expenses, further strain brick-and-mortar retail. Evolving consumer behavior favoring digital channels necessitates that brick-and-mortar retail fundamentally reevaluate its customer service, product offerings, and marketing strategies.

Adaptation Strategies for Brick-and-Mortar Retail to Compete with the Online Market

To remain competitive with the online market, brick-and-mortar retailers must implement innovative adaptation strategies that better cater to customer needs and provide unique experiences. One approach is to strive for seamless integration of online and offline channels to offer customers a consistent shopping experience. This might involve introducing an online store or implementing click-and-collect services that allow customers to order online and pick up their purchases in-store.

Furthermore, retailers can create immersive environments and events within the physical store to establish an inviting and interactive shopping experience. By emphasizing personalized assistance, expert knowledge, and special events, they can provide added value that online retailers cannot offer in the same way.

Innovative Approaches to Customer Engagement and Experience in Brick-and-Mortar Retail

To enhance customer retention in brick-and-mortar retail, retailers should focus on personalized customer engagement and develop a deep understanding of their customers‘ needs and preferences. Implementing loyalty programs that offer special deals and exclusive benefits can help strengthen customer loyalty and foster long-term relationships with the business.

Additionally, leveraging innovative technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) can create an interactive and immersive shopping experience. By utilizing these technologies, retailers can provide customers with the opportunity to virtually try out products or receive personalized recommendations based on their preferences.

In conclusion, brick-and-mortar retail must continuously evolve and introduce new strategies to keep pace with the challenges of the growing online market. By focusing on customer-centric approaches and innovative solutions, brick-and-mortar retail can remain relevant and continue to offer unique shopping experiences that go beyond what is achievable solely online.

Dominance of Internet Corporations


The era of the internet has brought about a remarkable transformation in the way people across the globe interact, communicate, and conduct business. Amidst this rapid evolution, however, certain powerful internet corporations have emerged, attaining an unprecedented level of influence and dominance in the digital market. These companies exert an unparalleled control over the flow of information, services, and goods, giving rise to growing concerns about the concentration of market power and potential impacts on society.

This chapter is dedicated to the analysis and critical examination of the dominance held by specific internet corporations within the digital ecosystem. We will delve into the dynamics of monopolization and explore the associated effects on consumers, competition, and innovation within the internet sector. Furthermore, we will address the issue of data security and privacy in the context of utilizing services provided by these major internet corporations. Additionally, the chapter will discuss the regulatory challenges pertaining to the market power of internet giants and their effects on diversity and innovation within the digital realm.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide an in-depth understanding of the emergence and evolution of the dominance of internet corporations, as well as to illuminate the potential societal impacts and possible solutions. The aim is to raise awareness about the importance of a balanced and fair internet landscape characterized by a diversity of voices, innovations, and adequate protection of privacy and data. Given the swift pace of development in the digital world, it is crucial to recognize the challenges associated with the dominance of internet corporations and to develop strategies that ensure a sustainable and responsible digital future.

Monopoly Formation and Concentration of Market Power among a Few Large Internet Corporations

The ever-growing dominance of a few large internet corporations has led to a concerning trend known as monopoly formation. This development is the result of various factors that significantly influence the structure and dynamics of the internet industry.

Analysis of the factors contributing to monopoly formation in the internet industry:

  1. Resource and cost advantages: Large internet corporations often possess substantial financial resources, allowing them to invest in research and development, marketing, and infrastructure. This financial strength enables them to develop new technologies and continuously improve their services, making it difficult for smaller competitors to keep up.
  2. Network effects: In some cases, network effects amplify the dominance of major internet companies. The more users a platform or service has, the more attractive it becomes to new users. This results in the largest platforms becoming even larger, while smaller competitors struggle to achieve similar network effects.
  3. Market entry barriers: Entry into the internet market often requires significant investments in technology, infrastructure, and marketing. The high costs and complex infrastructure create high barriers for potential competitors trying to enter the market, making it easier for established corporations to maintain their dominant position.
  4. Data advantages: Large internet corporations have access to vast amounts of data, enabling them to optimize their services, offer personalized advertising, and target their product improvements. This access to extensive data poses a significant challenge for smaller competitors as they do not have comparable resources to generate similarly comprehensive data sets.

Possible impacts on consumers and the market:

  1. Limited choices: The monopolization of the market by a few large internet corporations can lead to a lack of diversity and choice for consumers. This can compromise the quality of services offered and hinder innovation.
  2. Price dictation: With increasing market concentration, monopolists can dictate prices and force consumers and smaller businesses into unfavorable terms, potentially leading to a lack of competition and a potential increase in prices for consumers.
  3. Privacy concerns: Concentration of market power in the hands of a few companies can also amplify privacy concerns, as these companies have access to large amounts of sensitive consumer data. Misuse of such data could lead to significant breaches of consumer privacy and security.
  4. Innovation inhibition: Monopolies can lead to reduced innovation incentives, as dominant companies may feel less pressure to develop innovative products and services. This could potentially result in a lack of progress and competitiveness in the long run, which would be detrimental to both consumers and the industry as a whole.

The challenge lies in creating appropriate regulatory mechanisms to prevent or contain monopoly formation and promote competitiveness in the internet market to protect consumer interests and maintain industry diversity and innovation.

Data Security and Privacy in Relation to the Use of Online Services Provided by Large Corporations

Data security and privacy have become central concerns in today’s digital world, especially in light of the increasing use of online services provided by large corporations. The significance of data protection and security for internet users cannot be emphasized enough, as personal data is often collected by companies for various purposes, including targeted advertising, service personalization, and behavioral pattern analysis. Given these practices, it is crucial for users to be informed about the potential risks and to have effective strategies to protect their personal data from misuse by internet corporations.

Importance of Data Protection and Security for Internet Users

The importance of data protection and security for internet users lies in safeguarding privacy and preventing potential misuse of sensitive personal data. Sharing personal information with large corporations carries the risk of unauthorized access, sharing with third parties, or use for commercial purposes that may not align with the user’s best interests. Sensitive data such as personal information, financial details, and behavioral patterns should be adequately protected to prevent identity theft, fraudulent activities, and other forms of misuse. Additionally, a robust data protection policy helps build consumer trust in online services and fosters long-term relationships between users and companies.

Tips for Protecting Personal Data from Misuse by Internet Corporations

To protect personal data from misuse by internet corporations, internet users should adhere to certain best practices and tips, including:

  1. Strong Passwords and Two-Factor Authentication: Using strong, unique passwords for various online accounts and enabling two-factor authentication helps make access to personal data more challenging.
  2. Utilizing Privacy Settings: Customizing privacy settings within online services can control the amount of personal data shared and restrict access by third parties.
  3. Regular Review of Privacy Policies: Regularly reviewing and understanding the privacy policies of companies helps users stay informed about the use of their personal data.
  4. Limiting the Sharing of Personal Data: Restricting the sharing of personal data, especially sensitive information, should be the norm to minimize the risk of data misuse.
  5. Using Privacy Tools and Software: Utilizing privacy tools and software, such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and antivirus programs, can help enhance security and protect personal data while browsing the internet.

By implementing these tips, internet users can better safeguard their personal data and ensure their privacy and security when interacting with online services provided by large corporations.

Regulatory Gaps and the Challenge of Establishing Appropriate Control Mechanisms for Internet Giants

The rapid evolution of the internet and the widespread adoption of digital technologies have led to a significant surge in the power and influence of internet giants. In this process, however, significant regulatory gaps have emerged, allowing internet corporations to operate in many ways unchecked. These regulatory gaps are a central concern as they affect various aspects of online life, including data privacy, diversity of opinion, competition, and innovation. Without adequate control mechanisms, there is a risk that the power of internet giants may be abused, potentially leading to harmful impacts on society and the economy.

One of the main impacts of current regulatory gaps on the internet industry is the limited control over the handling of sensitive user data. Many internet companies collect and utilize comprehensive data about user behavior and preferences without clear restrictions or adequate oversight. This has raised concerns about data privacy, as users often do not precisely know how their data is being used and who has access to it. Moreover, there is a risk that sensitive information may fall into the wrong hands and be exploited for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

To address these challenges and establish appropriate control mechanisms for internet giants, comprehensive revisions of current regulatory policies are needed. Governments, international organizations, and civil society should work together to develop clear guidelines and regulations that ensure the protection of privacy and security of user data. One way to improve the regulation and control of internet giants could be the introduction of stricter data protection laws that tightly regulate the handling of personal data and impose sanctions for violations.

Furthermore, measures should be taken to increase transparency in the activities of internet giants. This could involve mandating companies to disclose their algorithms to ensure better traceability and verification of their decisions. Additionally, independent oversight bodies could be established to monitor compliance with these regulations and impose appropriate sanctions for violations.

Another option for improving the regulation and control of internet giants is to strengthen collaboration between governments and the technology industry. Through dialogue and cooperation with representatives of internet companies, governments can gain a better understanding of complex technological developments and challenges, leading to more effective and practical regulatory policies. This would help strike a balance between promoting innovation and competition and protecting the interests of users.

Ultimately, establishing appropriate control mechanisms for internet giants is crucial to harness the potential of the internet as an instrument of progress and connectivity, without neglecting fundamental rights and consumer protection. It is of the utmost importance that regulatory authorities, businesses, and society as a whole collaborate to close the current regulatory gaps and shape a responsible and sustainable digital future.

Impact on Diversity and Innovation in the Internet Sector Due to the Dominance of Few Companies

In an era where the internet has become an integral part of daily life, the significance of diversity and innovation in the internet ecosystem is paramount. Diversity of content, perspectives, and platforms plays a crucial role in creating a rich and dynamic online environment that reflects the interests and needs of a diverse global community. Similarly, innovation is essential to continuously find new ways to meet user needs, solve problems, and make internet usage more effective and efficient.

Significance of Diversity and Innovation for the Internet Ecosystem

Diversity in the internet sector allows users to choose from a wide range of information, opinions, products, and services. This not only fosters an open and inclusive exchange of ideas but also facilitates a diverse and comprehensive representation of various cultures, languages, and perspectives. Furthermore, a diverse online landscape contributes to the democratization of knowledge and information by providing access to different viewpoints and educational opportunities.

On the other hand, innovation is the key to the continuous improvement and advancement of the internet sector. New technologies, applications, and services help enhance user experience, increase efficiency, and create new opportunities for interaction and collaboration. Through innovation, barriers can be overcome, and new markets can be tapped, turning the internet into a driver of progress and growth in various domains.

Strategies to Promote Competition and Innovation in the Internet Industry

To foster diversity and innovation in the internet sector, it is crucial to implement effective strategies to create a healthy and competitive market. Appropriate regulation that ensures fair competition conditions is essential to limit monopolization tendencies and facilitate market entry for new participants.

Additionally, measures to promote research and development, as well as support for startups and small businesses, are necessary to encourage innovative ideas and create new market dynamics. By providing incentives and support programs, companies can be encouraged to invest in new technologies and services that enrich and expand the internet ecosystem.

Another important step is to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among different stakeholders in the internet sector. By enabling partnerships and cooperation, companies can learn from each other, share best practices, and work together to develop innovative solutions that meet the needs of users and society.

By implementing these strategies, we can help preserve and strengthen diversity and innovation in the internet sector, creating a sustainable and diverse internet ecosystem that meets the needs of users and society.

Other dangers and challenges of the Internet

Fake News and Disinformation: Impacts and Solutions

Fake news and disinformation pose one of the greatest threats to the democratic fabric and information landscape. They influence public opinion and can undermine trust in the media and institutions. Often, false information spreads rapidly through social media and the internet, granting misinformation a broad reach and making it difficult to correct. The impacts can range from political tensions to health risks, such as the dissemination of misleading information about medical treatments.

To curb fake news and disinformation, multifaceted solutions are required. These include improved media literacy and critical thinking among consumers, the promotion of media ethics and journalist responsibility, the strengthening of fact-checking and verification mechanisms, and increased regulation of social media platforms to control the spread of misinformation.

Algorithm Bias and Its Implications for Society

Algorithms are increasingly responsible for filtering and presenting content on the internet. However, algorithms that are trained with bias or inadequate data can lead to algorithm bias. This can result in a distorted representation of information and reinforce prejudices related to gender, ethnicity, religion, or other social characteristics. Algorithm bias can impact various areas, including employment, educational opportunities, access to resources, and opinion formation.

To address algorithm bias, increased awareness of the issue and the promotion of ethical programming and data processing are necessary. Stricter regulations and guidelines for reviewing and regulating algorithms are needed to ensure that they operate transparently and fairly. Moreover, efforts should be made to promote diversity and inclusivity in developer teams to minimize biases in algorithm development.

Online Addiction: Recognition, Prevention, and Coping

The increasing use of digital media and technologies can lead to online addiction, manifested in excessive internet use, overplaying of online games, constant use of social media, and other digital activities. Online addiction can have negative effects on physical and mental health, including sleep disturbances, social isolation, anxiety, and depression.

To recognize, prevent, and cope with online addiction, it is important to identify signs and symptoms early and develop appropriate interventions. This includes promoting a healthy digital lifestyle, raising awareness of the risks and impacts of excessive internet use, and providing resources and support for those affected by online addiction.

Digital Divide: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions

The digital divide refers to the disparities in access to digital technologies and resources among different population groups, communities, and regions. This divide can be attributed to various socio-economic conditions, geographical location, educational level, and other factors. The digital divide can lead to unequal educational opportunities, limited access to information and services, as well as social and economic disadvantage.

To overcome the digital divide, it is necessary to expand and improve access to digital resources, especially in rural and underserved areas. This can be achieved through the expansion of broadband infrastructure, the promotion of digital education and skills, and the provision of digital services and content in various languages and formats. It is also essential to identify and reduce barriers such as costs, lack of know-how, and cultural obstacles.

Reach and Market Power: Challenges for Diversity of Opinion and Democracy

The increasing dominance of large internet companies and social media platforms has raised concerns about diversity of opinion and democratic processes. The concentration of reach and market power in the hands of a few companies can restrict the diversity of available information and influence public discourse. This, in turn, can jeopardize democratic principles and the free exchange of ideas.

To address the challenges related to reach and market power, it is important to establish mechanisms to promote diversity of opinion and competition. This can be achieved through the strengthening of independent media and local news sources, the promotion of media literacy and critical thinking, and the implementation of policies and measures to regulate and limit the market power of large internet companies. Ensuring transparency and accountability of algorithms and content curation is crucial to ensure that diverse opinions and voices are adequately represented.


The internet has undoubtedly become an integral part of our lives, revolutionizing the way we communicate, conduct business, and interact. While it offers numerous benefits and opportunities, this guide has also shed light on the various critical aspects and dangers of the internet. From the risks to children and adolescents to the challenges faced by retail and small businesses, as well as the dominance of major internet corporations, we have analyzed the complex issues that shape the digital world.

It is crucial that we take the risks and dangers of the internet seriously and take appropriate measures to create a safe and responsible online environment. At the same time, it is essential to develop innovative solutions that maximize the best of the internet while minimizing its harmful effects. The creation of the APOOS internet platform is a step in this direction, offering a promising opportunity to change the dynamics of the internet and create a fair and balanced online platform that provides real reach for small and medium-sized businesses.

Summary of Key Findings and Recommendations:

  • Children and Adolescents on the Internet: Safety and protection for children and adolescents must be a top priority. Parents, guardians, and educational institutions should be extensively educated about the importance of online safety, handling cyberbullying, and the influence of social media.
  • Retail and Small Business: Local businesses and traditional retail must confront the challenges posed by e-commerce and develop innovative strategies to remain competitive. Simultaneously, fair and balanced regulation of online commerce is necessary to avoid an unfair competitive landscape.
  • Dominance of Internet Corporations: The concentration of market power in a few major internet corporations requires stronger regulation and control to ensure fair competition. At the same time, the protection of users‘ privacy and data is of paramount importance, and appropriate control mechanisms must be implemented to minimize data misuse risks.
  • Further Dangers and Challenges of the Internet: The spread of fake news and disinformation, as well as the impact of algorithm bias, require a critical examination of the mechanisms and implications of information distortion on the internet. Promoting balanced internet use and creating measures to combat online addiction and digital divides are crucial for a healthy and sustainable online society.

Outlook: Opportunities and Perspectives for Responsible Internet Use

Despite the various challenges, the internet also presents a wealth of opportunities and prospects for responsible and positive use. The development of innovative platforms like APOOS that promote a fair and balanced online environment is a promising step toward a more equitable and sustainable internet. By raising awareness of potential dangers and advancing innovative solutions, we can bring about positive change in the digital world and create a secure, fair, and diverse online community.

This guide on internet criticism was developed with the help of ChatGPT.

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